# Password Check Utility for Maddy Features: * Authenticates email accounts against the SQLite database used by Hostux panel * Updates "last accessed" on a successful authentication ## Testing ### Maddy Build the image: ```bash docker build -f Containerfile -t hostux/maddy:latest . ``` For `maddy.conf`: ```conf $(hostname) = {env:MADDY_HOSTNAME} $(primary_domain) = {env:MADDY_DOMAIN} $(local_domains) = $(primary_domain) tls off auth.external hostux_auth { helper /bin/checkpw perdomain yes domains $(local_domains) } storage.imapsql local_mailboxes { driver sqlite3 dsn imapsql.db } hostname $(hostname) table.chain local_rewrites { optional_step regexp "(.+)\+(.+)@(.+)" "$1@$3" optional_step static { entry postmaster postmaster@$(primary_domain) } optional_step file /etc/maddy/aliases } msgpipeline local_routing { destination postmaster $(local_domains) { modify { replace_rcpt &local_rewrites } deliver_to &local_mailboxes } default_destination { reject 550 5.1.1 "User doesn't exist" } } smtp tcp:// { limits { all rate 20 1s all concurrency 10 } dmarc yes check { require_mx_record dkim spf } source $(local_domains) { reject 501 5.1.8 "Use Submission for outgoing SMTP" } default_source { destination postmaster $(local_domains) { deliver_to &local_routing } default_destination { reject 550 5.1.1 "User doesn't exist" } } } imap tcp:// { auth &hostux_auth storage &local_mailboxes } ``` ```bash docker volume create maddydata docker network create maddy-test docker run --rm \ --name maddy \ -e MADDY_HOSTNAME=mx.maddy.test \ -e MADDY_DOMAIN=maddy.test \ -e HOSTUX_EMAIL_DATABASE_SQLITE=/email.sqlite \ -v maddydata:/data \ -v ~/maddy-hostux-check-password/email.sqlite:/email.sqlite \ -p 143:143 \ hostux/maddy:latest docker run --rm -it -v maddydata:/data --entrypoint ash foxcpp/maddy:0.6 ``` ### CLI Imap Client ```bash pip install imap-cli export PATH="$PATH:/home/louis_guidez76/.local/bin" ``` In `~/.config/imap-cli`: ```ini [imap] hostname = localhost username = louis@hostux.fr password = ... ssl = False [display] format_list = ID: {mail_id} Flags: {flags} From: {from} To: {to} Date: {date} Subject: {subject} format_thread = {uid} {subject} <<< FROM {from} format_status = {directory:>20} : {count:>5} Mails - {unseen:>5} Unseen - {recent:>5} Recent limit = 10 ```